The Song of Your Life

The Song of Your Life

I was inspired to write this post tonight by a friend of mine who is afraid to look at herself in the mirror. She told me that her challenge was her lack of self-compassion.
And I thought that it that might be you too right now, as it was me as well many years ago.

Now when I look back at pictures, I find that version of myself sweet and beautiful. Back then I hated every picture taken!

It took me a while to change the code of my being, but it has been such a rewarding process and so worth it. 

We own it to ourselves to bring more self-compassion into our lives because it just makes living so much easier.

You might ask what is up with this idea that we all have in our heads at times, to spend so much energy criticizing and judging ourselves? Is it that we are wired to look for perfection all of the time? Why do we want perfect everything – the ideal hair, the ideal body, the ideal relationship, the ideal car, the ideal career…

Many of us can spend huge amounts of time and energy putting ourselves down for not having it all. For not fitting into the perfection program, for not looking or sounding super successful to the world. 
The irony is that we all know deep in our hearts that this picture is dead wrong, that perfection is always woven into imperfection. 

I have a suggestion for you tonight. Let’s start changing the code of this faulty wiring by writing a new song about ourselves.

Imagine if everyone of us decided to write a song to celebrate our lives, and all of our beautiful creations, including our bodies?

What would your song sound like?
Make this your summertime goal.
Find the time and spend a quiet moment writing your song and celebrating yourself. It is healthy for you to remember who you are, to remember where you have been, and who you have become. 

Spend a memorable time in gratitude, and pen a new loving harmony. Love your song and love your life. 
Enjoy everything about you going forward!

The Entangled Webs We Weave

We Weave

“At very deep levels the separations that we see between ordinary, isolated objects are, in a sense, illusions created by our limited perceptions” (Entangled minds, Dean Radin, 2007).

The picture above is of a tree I saw on a walk in Marin county, California. For some reason, it made me think for second of our entangled subatomic world, which is what physicists now believe to be the reality that we live in.

Entanglement is a law of modern physics. It means that when subatomic particles meet, their course of action even after they separate, stay correlated. By extension, scientist have been suggesting that we create bonds with one another through healing intentions and empathy, that we create connections even with animals we encounter and trees we touch.

These connections probably continue to have effects and influence us beyond physical separation. According to Mickael Brooks (2004), “Physicists now believe that entanglement between particles exists everywhere, all the time, and have recently found shocking evidence that it affects the wider, ‘macroscopic’ world that we inhabit.”

Achterberg’s research (2005) on distant healing reveals that human healing intentions affect brain function in ways not “entirely understood.” So every time I look at this tree, I am moved and I am reminded that we live in a beautiful and interconnected universe, where we share ourselves at an invisible level. I feel that this tree’s living matrix has left imprints within myself and my energy because I feel connected to it. And I feel grateful that I do not evolve alone in this world

In deep meditative states, I can experience the interconnectedness of everything. It just shows itself to me. In stillness, I  sense a web of wave-like energy, in incredibly quiet environment. This quantum energy seems like a grid, and it has a very well-organized interference pattern, a wave-like quality. This is also how scientists describe the nature of the universe.

I find deep peacefulness in this expericence, an awe and wonder of living in this energy based reality. It is a moment of infinite grace, a moment of profound truth. I am inside of its vibration, its palpitation, I feel so much gratitude. I observe the energy connection in all aspects of my physical reality, In a similar way, trees and plants and nature are part of the same grid and translate their own language on earth.

These experiences tell me that there is no void on earth, and what we see with our five senses is just a small piece of the reality we live in. The rest is still a mystery, the realm of what sages call the mystical world. Einstein once said that “the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.” I am convinced that as human beings we are capable of connecting with the nature of our reality, and derive meaning from it for us and the world around us. Intuitive qualities, while “subjective and slippery” (Radin, 2007), allow us to access knowledge and insights that have real value and truth, and maybe provide valuable information for us ahead of time.

I remember the first time I started giving intuitive insights to people. My trainers believed that Intuition is a skill that needs to be practiced immediately, so they put me in a room with a woman who came to inquire about her emotional state. Somehow, I knew that she came because she had an issue with a boyfriend and the reading took a relational direction. But the moral of the story is that all that day I kept wondering how I’d known about her boyfriend.

Where did that information come from? After all, I was a novice intuitive reader, barely a few months into the training, and I was seeing and sensing information that was true for this woman and had value for her emotional state. I didn’t know anything about her.

From what I now understand scientifically, I now believe I had used my human intuitive skill to log into the holographic nature of the universe, what scientists call the non-local realm, where information is stored and where space and time are irrelevant. Because I might have became entangled with this woman, our minds or our brains became entangled as well, and somehow she allowed me to enter into her energetic world and read her story.

Not only did she allow me, but I also had the tools to log into that realm and get there, and grab the information I needed. The curious thing is that at this point I barely had the skills to access intuitive information. It is quite possible that somebody else with the same Intuitive skill-set may have not accessed this information or may have accessed a different kind of information. Then, it would mean that entanglement and correlation between people might be very unique, and that the exchange of communication occurring is also unique.

Although nobody is capable yet to give us the full picture of how entanglement between people happens and exists, there is no doubt in my mind through my observation of energy fields that we do become entangled, and that correlation happens on some deep and unconscious level.