How to start creating changes that honor us!

How to start creating changes that honor us!

I like to meditate and think about change. As human beings we are constantly manifesting new situations and experiences, but sometimes we know that we need a leap to take us out of the circle and patterns we have created.

At any moment, inside all of us, there is often a dormant ever-present discontent – what I call a longing for the leap.  A leap is just a completion of a phase and an involvement of the spirit, mind and body.  A leap will often take us far far away into worlds that are unimaginable to our conscious​ness yet somehow deeply felt and deeply sensed below conscious awareness.

It feels so good once we know and we are clear where we are going and what is the best leap to take… Fearlessly grabbing the leap and trusting its course!  I would like you to stop ordinary thinking for a few minutes about the changes you think you want, the leaps you think that you need, the things that you think you desire and instead initiate a different way of communicating with yourself.

I would like you to discover what is the most truthful and joyful leap you can take! The one that will take you from a state of discontent to a state of content, the one that would honor you and your spirit.  I invite you to close your eyes for a second and enter your heart!

Trust the first insights that come to you and do not let your mind take over and start interpreting them.  Inquire right now about what is it that will make your life more joyful and more abundant?  What does your heart most desire right now ? Just feel the whisper of the heart.

Wait for the sudden impressions, the first insights, the symbols. Write them down even if they feel odd or outrageous. This is the beginning of inviting a primordial voice into informing your life decisions.  We need to learn to live more from our hearts because a decision based on the heart feels more truthful, honest and human.

Ask your heart what you are holding on to, what you are resisting. What is preventing you from taking the leap, from honoring the truth and the voice of the heart?  Use your intention and make peace with the old, leave it to the wind and send it to the fire so you can make room for the new.

Stop resisting ending old relationships, old beliefs, old patterns, and make room for the new to enter your being and manifest into existence!  Walk grounded and connected to the earth, present to you and to what you feel deeply in your heart. Trust it!

I will show you in my next post how to increase your grounding so you can manifest more, carry more, leap further. The more you train with the slow pace of the earth, the faster you will heal yourself from old wounds and discontent, and the faster you will manifest your new leaps.  So be a tree with deep roots today, with attention on your heart, and start your journey with hope that all is possible and that in a matter of weeks you could be in a very different place than you are now.

Start your day from a place of empowerment and belief that you can be a more joyful and more content version of your present you. Be grateful always and give yourself a huge hug for being here and listening to your heart!

“Energy Medicine is the field that studies the human body as an energy system. An Energetic Healing works to help balance this system.”

What Does It Mean to Be Me?


Masters of Arts from UC Berkeley.

I was watching a video of Matthew Hussey, a famous relationship coach, in which he said that he didn’t understand or believe in the concept of “just being yourself”. So I started wondering what does it really mean to Be Me?  Yes, it is true that the advice “just be yourself” is classic self-help 101 talk, but it made me ponder on how we experience ourselves, and ruminate on what it means exactly to Be Me. The Me or the Self is the subjective experience of who I am at any present moment of time. It is an amalgam of the ego self and an energy/spiritual self. THE ME UNFOLDS… IT IS A PROCESS OF FEELING MY WORTH AND MY SUBSTANCE, MY INNER BEAUTY AND MY UNIQUENESS, WHILE SENSING MY INNERCONNECTEDNESS TO THE WORLD AROUND ME. The ME is discovered, felt, sensed, intuited and appreciated. Every one of us hopefully can reach a point where the ME is sipped like an expensive wine, is adored and loved.

In love, aside from sipping the wine of timelessness, nothing else exists. 

There is no reason for living except for giving one’s life. 

I said, ‘First I know you, then I die.’ He said, ‘For the one who knows Me, there is no dying.

These are Rumi’s words.

And my wise self is saying hello to me, and the many ways I exist as me.

I am a woman with unique features, personality and history. This is my basic ME.

I have invested a lot of time into knowing myself through introspection, reading, reflection, meditation, energetic healing. This is an expression of my thirst to know the ME.

I have dug very deep into my spirit, heart and mind to understand what drives me, what motivates me, what my passions are, why I have loved and suffered, what my purpose is, how I create meaning, what makes me incredible joyful and outrageously happy. This is ME knowing and understanding the ME.

I am extremely curious and I enjoy Life in all its aspects, richness and mysteries. This is so ME.

I try to act from my deepest Truth and Integrity towards ME and other human beings. This is my compassionate ME.

I am passionate about teaching people how to live kinder and wiser lives, how to open their hearts, how to read the whisper of their souls. This is the purpose of my ME.

I separate my emotions from other people’s emotions – my parents, my loved ones, my friends. I try to differentiate my expectations from the expectations of the group. This makes me more ME.

I love to feel the intensity of my emotions through Music. I love to dance, laugh and celebrate. This is “loving my life” ME.

I have an essence or a soul, and the more I reflect the energy of my soul, the more I am full of my ME – the energy which gives me color, uniqueness, vibration and health.

At the end, we share each other’s unfolding ME through the energy we project, give and display. The lighter we are, the higher we can fly. The brighter we are, the more ME we show.

There are many shades of ME.

And that is one truth of the universal ME!

Reflections on the Heart – Part One

“ Discover the powerful light of your spirit and the joy of your heart.”


I’ve noticed in the last few months, while working on myself, with clients, and in workshops – that I’ve been drawn to do healings of the heart. I’ve become increasingly aware that we need to heal and nurture our tender and beautiful hearts.

All of us keep so much in our hearts – pain, disappointment, loss, memories – wishing that our past disappears in the depth of our heart. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think that time really heals our pain, although it does make the memory of it more distant from our present and consciousness.

For this reason upgrading the energy of the heart is crucial for our happiness as human beings and our new beginnings. Opening up to our spiritual wisdom starts with cleansing and opening the heart.

What the spiritual traditions call spiritual qualities – compassion, empathy, love, inner-peace, patience – author and cardiologist Paul Pearsall calls heart-felt qualities. “The brain is made for success, the attainment of desired ends. But the heart is designed for excellence – possessing good qualities” (A heart of Excellence, P. Pearsall).

Have you noticed how closed up so many of our hearts are, how fearful we are to show our love, compassion and empathy towards our friends and strangers?

Pearsall suggests that to have a heartfelt life, we need to become extremely attuned to our heart’s messages of wisdom, which are transmitted through its subtle energy field. And we need to become “as cardio-sensitive” as the heart recipients.

How do we become sensitive to our hearts, when most of the time we tend to protect instead of open? Where does this “cardio-wisdom” come from? Is it innate or do we increase it and reveal it through deepening our connection to the energies of the universe?

From my own experience with intuition development, I believe that intuition allows us to tune into and listen more to our hearts. The new connections we create through intuition increases the sensitivity of our hearts. And the more we use and practice our intuition, the more we become aware of this subtle realm of wisdom gathering and integration.

As we increase our awareness about ourselves, we naturally experience a more connected life to the world around us and to other people. Science is revealing to us that intuitive information is processed through the heart, seconds before it reaches the brain, thus presenting us with a new picture of the complexity of our human nature (Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1, Rollin McCraty and al. 2004).

If the science of intuition holds the clue to understanding our connections and role in the world as suggested by R. McCraty, it might also make us understand how this expanded perception and wisdom opens our hearts in new ways, and heals our heart and bodies. As human beings, we have a lot to learn about how to be in the world and how to be more connected, more joyful, and more present. Spiritual and personal development is about acquiring spiritual knowledge and integrating more spiritual qualities in our lives.

By committing to discovering who we are, we are allowing for a new spiritual guiding self to emerge, and replace the pain we have been keeping in our beautiful hearts with light and new possibilities.

What is Intuition?

What is Intuition?

Intuition is a skill or capacity that all humans possess, which gives us the possibility to know something beyond our five senses. Intuition reaches to our unconscious mind, and from there into the higher reality of the universe or the cosmos.

Einstein called it a forgotten gift. For the Greeks and the Romans, it was the the way the cosmos sent its messages and told its truth. In Chinese philosophy, intuition is linked with qualities of the feminine and the earth. The calmer we are, the more intuitive we become.

Intuitive insight rises from a awareness deep within us. Its immediate revelation can hit us like a hammer. It carries its own language, and speaks to us through images, impressions, voices, feelings, or a deep knowing. If its messages stay with us, that is because they matter to our lives.

In a fast changing world, developing intuitive skills allow us to better navigate the layers of complex realities, and even chaos, regularly encountered. Intuition helps us experience life at a deeper and richer level, bringing more understanding to our experiences, and to gauge our own truth more accurately.
