What is Intuition?

What is Intuition?

Intuition is a skill or capacity that all humans possess, which gives us the possibility to know something beyond our five senses. Intuition reaches to our unconscious mind, and from there into the higher reality of the universe or the cosmos.

Einstein called it a forgotten gift. For the Greeks and the Romans, it was the the way the cosmos sent its messages and told its truth. In Chinese philosophy, intuition is linked with qualities of the feminine and the earth. The calmer we are, the more intuitive we become.

Intuitive insight rises from a awareness deep within us. Its immediate revelation can hit us like a hammer. It carries its own language, and speaks to us through images, impressions, voices, feelings, or a deep knowing. If its messages stay with us, that is because they matter to our lives.

In a fast changing world, developing intuitive skills allow us to better navigate the layers of complex realities, and even chaos, regularly encountered. Intuition helps us experience life at a deeper and richer level, bringing more understanding to our experiences, and to gauge our own truth more accurately.
